Key West Thanksgiving – 2012

Thanksgiving Dinner
Island Genn with her sister Amy and Indiana Bones with their Thanksgiving Day feast!

See our updated post for Thanksgiving 2015!!

 Key West Thanksgiving Updates… What a great way to spend Thanksgiving. Its warm, the tropics, perfect weather. Great meals with company or family and you are on vacation in Key West. What could be better? Traditional or not.. (turkey or seafood) we will have the  best of what Key West has to offer for Thanksgiving day dinners that you can enjoy with however many are in your group.

AND.. You don’t have to cook! —– Thats Awesome!…

Nov 3rd 2013 — We are waiting to hear back from the restaurants we know, like and trust with their Key West thanksgiving specials for 2013. Stay posted.. Till then.. here is what was being offered last year 2012.

For Key West Accommodations and Activities over the Thanksgiving day holidays here in Key West.. Call Me. I am happy to help.. 1-888-362-3474. Ask for “Island Genn”.. 


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