key west fly fishing
Here is my handsome husband, Capt. Steven Lamp, demonstrating the double haul casting technique.

Key West Fishing

Key West fishing draws thousands of people to the island every year. Situated between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, Key West has it all when it comes to the ideal fish habitat. Hemingway made Key West fishing popular when he lived here in the 1930’s, and since then, sport fishing has grown substantially.

There are many different types of fishing to explore. You can fish the shallows, the reef and wrecks offshore, or the blue water. Each fishing arena has something special, making the our waters a great grounds for any angler. With the different fishing seasons change the species prevalent to our area, but year round we have amazing fishing.

Key West fishing in the backcountry is great for any angler, from novice to expert. And because the waters here are shallow and protected, those that get seasick have no fear. It is always calm here.

The shallow flats are home to some of the most sought after sport fish in the world. With spin gear to fly rod, anglers can hunt down tarpon, bonefish and permit; catching all three species in one day oof a real feat, and one must be both lucky enough and skilled enough to accomplish that.

But if hunting is not your thing or if you are a novice to the sport of fishing, the backcountry waters amongst the mangrove islands dotting the waters close to shore are home to many species that will be happy to bend a rod. Sharks, snappers, jacks, barracudas, and many other fish provide a ton of fun for anglers.

Key West fishing at the reef and the offshore wrecks is great sport for those that love catching food fish. Here, the primary targets are bottom species like snapper and grouper. This rough and tumble trip is action packed for those hearty anglers that love pulling up deep water fish.

Key West fishing in the blue water, aka deep sea fishing, is the kind of fishing that Hemingway brings to mind. This is where we can go hunting for that elusive marlin or watch as a majestic sailfish jumps and fights. We can fish for tuna, kingfish, wahoo and mahi mahi in these deep waters beyond the reef. Trolling for a bite while being mesmerized by the cobalt blue waters is what dreams are made of.

Fishing Guides and Charters

The best way to enjoy great fishing here in Key West is with our professional fishing guides and charters. Inshore we have guides that specialize in Flats fishing and backcountry fishing offering an affordable day exploring the shallows with beautiful scenery and calm waters. Offshore we have charter boats that cater to the deep sea sport fishing entusiast with comfortable boats that will fit all budgets for private and per person split shared fishing charters.

To book any of our professional fishing guides contact us directly. We are happy to go over all the options with you regarding budget, amenities, trip lengths and types of fishing available with up to date fishing reports.

To Learn More About Key West Fishing…
Call 1-305-292-7212 or Text 1-786-847-3808.

To see what is happening on the island during your visit, check out our Key West Events Calendar to see other upcoming special events.

And for more information about the fun side of Key West… things to do and see in our island city, go to our Key West Web Site.

Feel free to Email Me if you have any questions about Key West!!

Island Genn – Your Key West Concierge

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Island Genn