Key West Poker Run – 2013

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Key West PokerRun - Bike Week 2013 Poster
Key West PokerRun Bike Week 2013 Poster

In just a couple of days we will start hearing the rumbling of Harley’s and other motorcycles makes making their way down US 1 for the Phil Peterson’s 41st Key West Poker Run which takes place this week from September 19 – 22, 2013.

The Miami based Harley dealer started this event to bring about an interest in motorcycles, and I would say that it worked! The first year they had about 45 participants; now there are over 10,000 riders from all over the country taking part in this annual September tradition. Any make or model of bike, car, or truck  is welcome to join as the group rides out from Miami through the beautiful Florida Keys and into Key West.

As the riders make their way down the Keys, they will make five stops to relax their bums for a while and to collect their Poker hand to see who will win the ultimate prize, a new motorcycle. Of course much of the proceeds go to support charities.

Key West blocks off an eight-block stretch of Duval Street, and a huge bike show is held in front of Rick’s/Durty Harry’s and Sloppy Joe’s Bar on Saturday. It is quite a sight, and even those that are not motorcycle enthusiast can appreciate the styles of bikes and the amazing art work that adorns many of the rides.

Rumor is that this will be the biggest bike week yet, as riders taking part of other recent biker events around the country will also be making their way down the state and to Key West to be a part of this event.

Hope to see you in Key West! And please remember to look twice for bikers!

To see what is happening on the island during your visit, check out our Key West Events Calendar to see other upcoming special events. For more information about the fun side of Key West… things to do and see in our island city, go to our Key West Web Site.

And before deciding where you are going to eat while visiting Key West, be sure to read my other restaurant reviews; check out our restaurant review section of this blog as well as our previous restaurant reviews.Feel free to Email Me if you have any questions about Key West!!

Island Genn
Key West Concierge
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Island Genn