Hey folks. Capt. Steven (Dr Catcher checking in here to let you all know whats happening here in Key West in fishing.
For up to date fishing reports from Capt. Steven Lamp check out www.thekeywestfishingreport.com
Lots of weather last weekend really shook it up here in Key West but that did not stop the world sailfish championship from being underway. With perfect conditions earlier in the week these boats landed over 600 sailfish in three days of fishing. The winner was the crew on board the “Sandman” . Nice work guys. Speaking of tournaments, we always have a tournament happening here in Key West. The Key West Fishing Tournament sponsored by Dream Catcher Charters. A year round event that allows anyone and everyone to participate. No entry fee required and lots of fun. If you are visiting, go out fishing either on your own or on a Key West fishing charter, catch a nice fish or any fish. Make it a recorded catch.. Who knows you may win something at our awards banquet held in November..
Inshore things are still hot with the tarpon bite and the migration has begun. Tarpon are poring in from the south into the inlets and channels along the flats offering our visiting Key West fishing anglers a shot at landing the silver king. Check out the Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing Guide web site to learn more about tarpon fishing.
We still have some slots open for you to book in May.. Call Island Genn at 1-888-362-3474 She knows the schedule of every good fishing guide in Key West.
Offshore its sailfish, dolphin and wahoo. this is the time of the year that you can get a HUGE dolphin on one of our Key West deep sea fishing charters. Fish up to 60 lbs are not rare here in Key West this time of the year.
Bottom fishing is going to GO OFF next week on the opening of the Atlantic grouper season here in Key West. Capt. Steven (me) will be running back to back grouper and snapper fishing trips to put some meat in the box for people. Fun times hard pulling fish to be had with red grouper to 15 lbs, mangrove snappers to 7 lbs, mutton snappers to 15 lbs as well as black groupers to 30 lbs are very realistic in the May time frame.. Lets get on them..
To book a deep sea fishing or bottom fishing trip with any of our best fishing guides call our office and speak to Island Genn or “Radar”. THey will hook you up.. 1-888-362-3474
Be sure and check out the other fishing reports in the Florida Keys
The Florida Keys Fishing Report
The Key West Fishing Report