Key West Boat Races
2018 Key West World Championship Boat Races Event Schedule Things To Do and how to watch The Races. ABOUT The 2018 World Championship Races for Super Boat International start in…
2018 Key West World Championship Boat Races Event Schedule Things To Do and how to watch The Races. ABOUT The 2018 World Championship Races for Super Boat International start in…
July 21 2018 - Snorkeling and Fishing Combo Charters What a great way to spend the day on the waters off of Key West. Two popular activities for one price…
Hey folks. Capt. Steven (Dr Catcher checking in here to let you all know whats happening here in Key West in fishing.
For up to date fishing reports from Capt. Steven Lamp check out
Lots of weather last weekend really shook it up here in Key West but that did not stop the world sailfish championship from being underway. With perfect conditions earlier in the week these boats landed over 600 sailfish in three days of fishing. The winner was the crew on board the “Sandman” . Nice work guys. Speaking of tournaments, we always have a tournament happening here in Key West. The Key West Fishing Tournament sponsored by Dream Catcher Charters. A year round event that allows anyone and everyone to participate. No entry fee required and lots of fun. If you are visiting, go out fishing either on your own or on a Key West fishing charter, catch a nice fish or any fish. Make it a recorded catch.. Who knows you may win something at our awards banquet held in November..
Inshore things are still hot with the tarpon bite and the migration has begun. Tarpon are poring in from the south into the inlets and channels along the flats offering our visiting Key West fishing anglers a shot at landing the silver king. Check out the Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing Guide web site to learn more about tarpon fishing.
We still have some slots open for you to book in May.. Call Island Genn at 1-888-362-3474 She knows the schedule of every good fishing guide in Key West.
Offshore its sailfish, dolphin and wahoo. this is the time of the year that you can get a HUGE dolphin on one of our Key West deep sea fishing charters. Fish up to (more…)
Inshore is the name of the game this week. Tarpon fishing has been very good and offering our anglers at Dream Catcher Charters a nice start to an early morning during the shrimp hatches. Up on the flats things are solid with a great report of Permit fishing with Capt. Kyle here at Dream Catcher Charters fishing with Kevin Kelso. They landed a very nice 25++ lb permit on live bait just West of Key West.. Shown here. You can call Dream Catcher Charters directly at 1-888-362-3474 for a fishing charter.
Offshore the blue waters are way out and offering a long boat ride to some awesome dolphin fishing on flat calm days. Some fish in the 25 and 30 lb range are found along the weed lines. If looking for a deep sea fishing charter we recommend you book a boat for the long haul or the full day. Go fast center consoles are also available for a fast attack to the deep waters for 4 or less persons. Call Island Genn here at The Keys To Key West and she will help you get on the right deep sea fishing boat. Her number is 1-305-292-7212. (more…)
The traffic coming into the Florida Keys and Key West is already picking up with Floridians trailering their boats down readying for lobster mini season which falls on July 27th and 28th this year. Mini season is always the last Wednesday and Thursday in July, and it usually brings about 25,000 visitors to the Florida Keys. With that number of visitors, hotels are full up and so are marinas.
During this two day lobster bonanza, each properly licensed snorkeler and diver is allowed to take up to six legal sized lobsters per day. Night snorkeling and diving is not permitted during this event, but bully-netting from a boat is permitted at night. (more…)
This week Key West has been busy celebrating the life of one of its most famed residents ever to call the island home, Ernest Hemingway, or as the locals used to call him, Papa. From July 19th to the 24th, the 31st Annual Hemingway Days celebration rages. Some of the scheduled events include a Papa lookalike contest, the running of the bulls, an arm wrestling competition, readings from nationally recognized authors, an offshore fishing tournament, the Drambuie, and a literary competition presided over by none other than Hemingway’s own granddaughter, Lorian Hemingway. (more…)