Kermit’s Key West Key Lime Shoppe

Here is Kermit standing in front of his shoppe on the corner of Elizabeth and Greens Streets in Key West.
Here is Kermit standing in front of his shoppe on the corner of Elizabeth and Greens Streets in Key West

If you have ever been on the corner of Elizabeth and Greene Streets in Key West then you have most likely seen proprietor Kermit Carpenter standing outside of his shop donning a green chef outfit and holding one of his Key Lime pies to draw in customers. Since first starting up his shop over twenty years ago, Kermit’s Key Lime Pies have really made a name for themselves. But you can get more than just Key Lime Pie at the Shoppe. They sell an entire line of Key Lime products including Key Lime Cookies, Key Lime Salsa, Key Lime Chutney, Key Lime Taffy, Key Lime Jelly Beans, Key Lime Tea, Key Lime Olive Oil, etc!  

Anytime I have walked into Kermit’s, the place is packed. What better gift to bring home with you than something that says Key West, and nothing does that quite like Key Lime. And now Kermit’s also has a cafe which serves up some delicious lunch fare. I enjoy the occasional slice of Key Lime pie, and if I decide that I don’t feel like making it myself, I like getting a slice and a good cup of coffee at Kermit’s and sitting in the garden setting overlooking Greene Street. It really makes me feel like I am on vacation. Oh, and Indiana Bones likes hanging out here too. They even sell dog treats!

So if you are feeling like a slice of Key Lime Pie, stop on by. Or you can always call the shoppe and have them mail you one!

Before deciding where you are going to eat while visiting Key West, be sure to read my other restaurant reviews too; check out our restaurant review section of this blog as well as our previous restaurant reviews.

And to see what is happening on Key West during your visit, check out our Key West Events Calendar to see other upcoming special events. For more information about the fun side of Key West… things to do and see in our island city, go to our Key West Web Site.

Feel free to Email Me if you have any questions about Key West!!

Island Genn
Key West Concierge
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Island Genn