A Key West Original – Kino’s Sandal Factory

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Kino Sandals
The Kino Sandals store in Key West Florida

If you live in Key West you probably own a pair of Kino’s sandals. Having a pair of Kino’s is almost like belonging to a secret club because you won’t find these sandals anywhere else in the world.

Kino’s Factory founder Roberto Lopez was a Cuban immigrant who made shoes in his homeland. After arriving in Key West, he started his own sandal company in 1966 and named it Kino which was Lopez’s childhood nickname. It has been over forty years since Roberto opened his sandal factory; a third generation of Lopezes are now running the family business.

The original shop was located at 105 Whitehead Street. Today the shop is tucked away in a little corner of downtown Key West at Kino Plaza located at 107 Fitzpatrick Street. The building also houses several other shops, but Kino’s are the main attraction. You will know you are getting close to the plaza when you start to smell the leather that these quality sandals are made from.

As you walk into the large, open area you will see boxes of sandals of different styles behind a large counter. Just ask one of the workers to see your size and I am sure you will end up leaving with a pair.

Kino's Factory Store
Kinos Factory Store in Key West Florida

All Kino’s sandals are handmade with natural leather straps and natural rubber soles and assembled right here in Key West. You would think that with the quality materials that go into these sandals that they would cost a fortune. But they are very affordable, with prices ranging from $12 to $18 a pair!

So, on your next trip to Key West stop by the factory and pick yourself up a pair. Or, you can also go online and visit their new website.

To see what is happening on the island during your visit, check out our Key West Events Calendar to see other upcoming special events. For more information about the fun side of Key West… things to do and see in our island city, go to our Key West Web Site.

Before deciding where you are going to eat while visiting Key West or any of the Florida Keys, be sure to read my  restaurant reviews; check out our restaurant review section of this blog.

Feel free to Email Me if you have any questions about Key West!!


Island Genn – Your Key West Concierge

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Island Genn