Key West’s Tropic Cinema

Tropic Cinema Movie TicketsI love the movies. And many people do not realize that Key West has two movie theaters. We have the corporate theater in New Town, but just off of Duval Street is another theater that takes you to another time. At the entrance is a life size statue of iconic actress Marilyn Monroe, dress floating in the breeze. As you walk in, you’ll find the volunteer staff to be friendly, there to keep the theater running for the section of our island community that enjoys more artsy and mind provoking films than usually shows at the corporate movies.

That is not to say that they don’t have big budget films showing at the Tropic. This week they were showing The Wolf of Wall Street with Leo DiCaprio, Labor Day with Kate Winslette and Josh Brolin, Gravity with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, and August Osage County with Julia Roberts and Meryl Streep. Soon, the foreign language film The Great Beauty will be showing along with Oscar Nominated Shorts.

My friend Pam had never been to Tropic Cinema so we decided to see Labor Day there while the guys were out fishing. After parking at the post office down the street, we purchased our tickets and headed to the concession area which has a pretty wide selection: nutrition bars, hummus platters, candy, popcorn, water, soda, coffee, tea, hot cocoa, etc. We grabbed a nutrition bar, water, and coffee and headed to our theater.

Easily, we found seats as the movie began and we were immediately immersed into the story. Because it is typically a more mature crowd viewing these movies we didn’t once have to worry about loud kids talking to their friends or talking on the phone. How nice it was!

This isn’t a movie review, so I won’t go into the plot or what I thought of the film, but I will say that the sound and the picture were far superior to that of the corporate Key West theater, and the seating more comfortable as well. And after the movie we had a very pleasant potty break in what just might be the cleanest bathroom in Key West.

Pam now only wants to go the the Tropic Cinema and we already have plans to take our husbands there on a double date to see something in a couple of weeks!

See what is happening on the island during your visit by checking out our Key West Events Calendar, and for other things to do and see in our island city, go to our Key West Web Site.

Before making your reservations for dinner or any other meal while in Key West check out our restaurant reviews!

Feel free to Email Me if you have any questions about Key West!!
Island Genn
Key West Concierge
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Island Genn