Key West and preparing for Christmas

So this Saturday my husband and I went to get a Christmas tree. I thought that we were going to go to Publix to pick up a tree but he wanted to go to Home Depot, which is where we went since all I cared about was getting a tree and not where we actually got it. I really did no even know that Home Depot was selling Christmas trees; I had been there the previous day to pick up a gift card and did not see any signs of Christmas trees. Maybe they should put out a sign??  I think getting the tree at Publix would have been easier because all your would have to do is pull up to the building, pick out a tree, and stick it in the car. At Home Depot you have to park, get a cart, wheel it all the way to the back of the garden department, roll it all the way back up front and into the parking lot to where ever it was that you parked.

So, we got the tree home and found out that our tree stand was broken. So, back to Home depot to get a stand. I did stop at Kmart foist and they had only a crappy metal stand that was not adequate for a real tree. So now we have a tree in our house and the place smells like Christmas! The next day I dragged out all of my Christmas decorations and ornaments and dressed the tree. It is actually starting to feel a little bit like Christmas now.

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Island Genn – Your Key West Concierge

About the author: Island Genn

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